Asiakkaamme arvostelevat meidät 9.2 / 10

Swedish Clinic -arvostelu

Klinikan pisteet

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Asiantuntijan Swedish Clinic -arvostelu

Asiantuntijamme arvostelu on tulossa pian. Arvostele klinikka itse sillä välin, jos sinulla on henkilökohtaisia kokemuksia klinikasta.

Top 3 klinikat helmikuu, 2025


  • #1 Klinikka Turkissa (4,60 / 5,00)


  • #2 Klinikka Turkissa (4,20 / 5,00)


  • #3 Klinikka Turkissa (4,00 / 5,00)

Swedish Clinic Turkey tiedot


Pyydä räätälöity tarjous klinikalta

Kaikki Swedish Clinic -arvostelut

4,5 out of 5 stars (based on 48 reviews)
Very good2%

Everything good


Miss Sahar Nawaz is a very competent and friendly consultant. She speaks Hindi and helped translate. The other staff didn‘t speak English, only Turkish. All in all, the whole process and procedure were good. They offered a lift from and to the airport and the hotel. The hair transplant was done professionally.

Kaler S. Sunder

This review is based on consultancy and…


This review is based on consultancy and transplant process which i had with sweedish clinic.

I found them through social media i took contact with them where i was consulted by Sarah Nawaz for each of my questions about my hair transplant and all guidance which convinced my heart to take step in to do my Hair transplant at sweedish clinic in turkey.

Overall staff was friendly and welcoming at the clinic even the doctors.

I cant comment over my transplant and its results of or how is it done because its too early to do so because i am not a professional to judge their work. As hair transplant is a long process of months i will definitely share my review once my hair grows.

Imran Tokhi

Worst company in world


Worst company in world. Bunch off liar without any expertise or any medical doctors. Biggest scammer in Turkey

Mik G

Hair Transplant


Hair Transplant done today, I found this place through Rania at the Prettiva Clinic, staff were very nice and very professional. So far so good! High recommend Swedish Clinic


Please avoid this scammer company!


I would like to point out that Swedish clinic’s response to my complaint is a complete lie and false. It tries to cover up their lousy operations by portraying me as a liar. 5 months after surgery, I visited one of Turkey’s best-known hair transplant companies, which I initially decided to have my hair done with.

I also informed Alper from the Swedish clinic about this, because he called all the time and did not understand a no thank you. He told me and promised me that there is no difference between their team and the other companies. He promised me that he will put his best team on the team and will personally make sure that I got the best service. he promised me gold and green forests and said that if things went bad I could come after him, but that won’t happen. it must be stated that his best team consisted of 19, 20 and 21-year-old young people who all talked about quitting their jobs while I had surgery done. 1 month after surgery I was told by their employees that none of them work in places. I was told that all I had to do was buy plane tickets and they would take care of the rest. 1 month after the operation I could see that something was completely wrong. When I visited the second hair transplant 5 months after the operation, he said as soon as he saw me that I have had the wrong hair transplant operation. the line was crooked, the hair follicles in front were 2.3 hairs in which absolutely must not be done. and the hairs did not go forward but from right to left. He had not seen this before!

He also said that he will go crazy if he experienced this. After the conversation with him, I went straight up to the Swedish clinic and it still insisted that there was nothing wrong with my hair and rudely asked if I was now sure that it was an expert I was talking to!! I should give it time they said!! it must be said that 5 months had already passed and everyone who saw me could see that I had had my hair done and it didn’t look good. for a whole year I spent my time with several hours of conversations on the phone and tried and they consoled me that it looks really nice. This summer I had a new operation with another company where they peeled the transplanted hair in the front and tried to cover up their damage. Honestly the was mountain of different betwing swedish clinic and this priffesionel hair transplantation clinic. Then i understand swedish clinic is a scammer.

My complaint on Trustpilot:

Maybe turkish biggeste scammer company. I was dumb i trustet they sellsman. But after surgery and in the surgery everything gone so bad. The direktions off hair is goin from right to left and left to right. It have totally destroyed the healthy hair i got. I only got 2100 greft. Because i didnt need more they say!! And 2100 greft destroy the other naturlige air. I was in summer 2023 getting a hair transplantation expert. Real expert not like this cirkus as Isvec hairklinic. The doctor tall me some of the hair must be pul out and transplantet again. Because its look wrong he say. I go back too Isvec clinic but these clowne still talking about the hair is fine and they do not even wanna pay refund. Now i need to pay 3300 euro yo this hair clinic. I almost depresion of this. And even ftwr this operation it get good but the wrong directions of hair destroy the other hair. Please keep a away from this company. All the rewiewe is fake. If you go too turkish version of trustpilot you will see they got only 3 2 scor. They make 7,5 hiurs operation with out any brek beause they was too busy. In front they i plent 2, 3 hair in one. It look so qeong. All this they did because the was other customer the was waiting. After operation I was left 30 minuttes outsider where no one came. When i was aski gabout the petsonel i was tall that they are in other operation. I was tall my taxi will drive me adter operation, but that they couldnt keep also. I wastall dter operation that i just should go because the wasnt gar away. Disqustings scammers.

Mik G

Very good clinic


Very good clinic. Sahar guide me all the way to Istanbul. Best experience

Azizul hakim Iskandar

My name Noor I came to Swedish Clinic…


My name Noor I came to Swedish Clinic on the 10/9/2024 for my hair transplant. They are very expert doctors surgeon and the whole team members of staff in the Clinic do their best job for you to have a great results and best looking hair in the future. The will look after you make feel you in you own home. Pick and drop you from the airport with care. I want to thank all of you especially Consultant Sahar looking after Clients. Very professional people. from my experience every surgery got some temporary pain so Guys if you want good looking hair then don’t worry just go for it. I’m already happy healthy and pain free on my 4day back from Swedish Clinic Istanbul Turkey

noor ahmed

My experience and advice for you


A friend of Mine recommended this clinic.

After I read some reviews I felt a Little Bit unsafe. But my advisor Sahar was very patient with me and took away my uncertainties.

She accompanied me through the procedure and let me feel safe.

The anesthesia was kinda painful, but the results Look fine and im happy with it.

Now im on my 3rd day post Operation, so I cant say much about the final Hairgrow result, but im optimistic and looking forward to it.

Too be honest i really underestimated the pain of the needles and also the pain I went through on the first night. I also felt nausea. I told Sahar about my condition so she gave me some useful tips. After I followed her instructions whole pain was gone.

All in all im very happy with the result. My personal Tipp for you is, take your Time for the fronthairline. I think I was kinda annoying because we had to change it like 3 times. But in the end it went all good.

Andre Cw

Sahar was a great host and the clinic was first class


Sahar was a great host and looked after me brilliantly, very nice place,clinic was immaculate, virtually pain free, ( I don’t like needles) apart from the injections I felt nothing, everyone was so pleasant and helpful, highly recommend


Doctors and clinic very good specially…


Doctors and clinic very good specially Sahar she help a lot

Khan Kaienat

My experience with the Swedish clinic…


My experience with the Swedish clinic was really great, the staff is so friendly, helpful and quick, in just a few days everything was done in detail. Thanks to Sahar without her all this would not have been possible. To all those who want to find a new youth I recommend the Swedish Clinic. Thank for all

Medani Saleck

a wonderful service from professional and experienced staff


I have done the hair transplant. I received a wonderful service from professional and experienced staff.

I thank the professional staff who carried out the work with quality, accuracy and a smile.

I thank my medical consultant Sahar who has arranged everything for me. She still answers my questions and gives me great advice.

I recommend the Clinic 100%

Hussain A

Arvostele Swedish Clinic Turkey

Kaikki hiustenlähdöstä e-kirja

Ennen kuin voit todella sitoutua hiustensiirto-operaation, on tärkeää ymmärtää syyt hiustenlähdön takana. Olemme kirjoittaneet yhdessä IdealofMeD:in ammattilaisten kanssa e-kirjan, joka kertoo kaiken, mitä sinun tulee tietää hiustenlähdöstä. Voit ladata kirjan täysin ilmaiseksi sivuiltamme.


Usein kysytyt kysymykset

Klinikan sijainti on Turkki Istanbul.

Voit saada tarjouksia klinikoilta meidän sivustomme kautta. Ota meihin yhteyttä ja pyydä tarjous.

Aidot klinikka-arvostelut löydät meidän sivuiltamme, johon kokoamme sekä luotettavista lähteistä saatuja käyttäjäkokemuksia, käyttäjiemme omia klinikka-kokemuksia että oman eksperttimme kirjoittamia arvosteluja.

Päivitetty 08/29/2023
Pyydä tarjous klinikalta jo tänään

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