Asiakkaamme arvostelevat meidät 9.2 / 10

Hair Upload Clinic -arvostelu

Klinikan pisteet

Täältä löydät kaikki klinikan arvostelut, jotka on kerätty luotettavista lähteistä klinikan aiemmilta potilailta. Voit myös jättää oman henkilökohtaisen arvostelusi klinikasta. Asiantuntijamme arvostelu on tulossa pian. 

Asiantuntijan Hair Upload Clinic -arvostelu

Asiantuntijamme arvostelu on tulossa pian. Arvostele klinikka itse sillä välin, jos sinulla on henkilökohtaisia kokemuksia klinikasta.

Top 3 klinikat helmikuu, 2025


  • #1 Klinikka Turkissa (4,60 / 5,00)


  • #2 Klinikka Turkissa (4,20 / 5,00)


  • #3 Klinikka Turkissa (4,00 / 5,00)

Hair Upload Clinic - Dr.Erkam CAYMAZ Turkey tiedot


Pyydä räätälöity tarjous klinikalta

Kaikki Hair Upload Clinic -arvostelut

5,0 out of 5 stars (based on 35 reviews)
Very good0%

Best experience with The New Birkdale Clinic


I could not fault my experience with The New Birkdale Clinic. From start to finish the staff were so kind, reassuring and helpful. On the day of my surgery I was really nervous but staff put my at ease. Nothing was a problem and I felt really looked after and safe in the hands of all the staff. If am so happy with the results of my surgery and could not recommend Dr De Gado enough. If I was to have any more surgery in the future I would 100% go back to The New Birkdale Clinic.

Emily Elder

Best experience with The New Birkdale Clinic


I could not fault my experience with The New Birkdale Clinic. From start to finish the staff were so kind, reassuring and helpful. On the day of my surgery I was really nervous but staff put my at ease. Nothing was a problem and I felt really looked after and safe in the hands of all the staff. If am so happy with the results of my surgery and could not recommend Dr De Gado enough. If I was to have any more surgery in the future I would 100% go back to The New Birkdale Clinic.

Emily Elder

Lower face and neck lift


I had a lower face and neck lift with Dr Dutta Oct 23. From the moment of my enquiry I felt listened to there was no pressure to book anything. All the staff were fantastic so professional and friendly I felt so relaxed with everyone. I had a lot of swelling on day 3 post op so I telephoned to check it was normal. Dr Dutta called me back and did a face time call and put my mind at ease that everything was normal. He left his personal mobile number incase I had any further concerns over the weekend so he went above and beyond to reassure me. The swelling and bruising took about two weeks to subside. Scars behind my ears were itchy whilst they healed for a few weeks. Only took painkillers on day one and two then was pain free just a bit uncomfortable for four to five days. I am very happy with the results and so happy I decided to have this procedure. Would I do it again…hell yes without hesitation. When I look at before and after pics now I realise how tired and aged I looked before and now I look like me just totally refreshed. Everyone keeps telling me how well I look but can’t tell I have had any treatment. Would highly recommend this clinic. I thought about going abroad to save money but wasn’t that much difference in price and felt so much safer staying in this country and the aftercare was second to none. The nurse who took my stitches out was really lovely so caring and gentle. Big thanks to all the team

Jayne parry

Lower face and neck lift


I had a lower face and neck lift with Dr Dutta Oct 23. From the moment of my enquiry I felt listened to there was no pressure to book anything. All the staff were fantastic so professional and friendly I felt so relaxed with everyone. I had a lot of swelling on day 3 post op so I telephoned to check it was normal. Dr Dutta called me back and did a face time call and put my mind at ease that everything was normal. He left his personal mobile number incase I had any further concerns over the weekend so he went above and beyond to reassure me. The swelling and bruising took about two weeks to subside. Scars behind my ears were itchy whilst they healed for a few weeks. Only took painkillers on day one and two then was pain free just a bit uncomfortable for four to five days. I am very happy with the results and so happy I decided to have this procedure. Would I do it again…hell yes without hesitation. When I look at before and after pics now I realise how tired and aged I looked before and now I look like me just totally refreshed. Everyone keeps telling me how well I look but can’t tell I have had any treatment. Would highly recommend this clinic. I thought about going abroad to save money but wasn’t that much difference in price and felt so much safer staying in this country and the aftercare was second to none. The nurse who took my stitches out was really lovely so caring and gentle. Big thanks to all the team

Jayne parry

Breast Explant Surgery.


I had breast explant surgery at the New Birkdale clinic, conducted by surgeon Mr Vardy – And I’m so glad I chose this highly experienced surgeon, as I’m delighted with the pre & post operative care i’ve received from him & the entire clinical staff – all of whom presented at all times during my interactions with them as professional, courteous, knowledgable and empathetic individuals. The entire process went smoothly and perhaps most importantly there was no sale element that some clinics convey. I cannot recommend the New Birkdale clinic enough for their outstanding clinical care.

Amy Brown

Breast Explant Surgery.


I had breast explant surgery at the New Birkdale clinic, conducted by surgeon Mr Vardy – And I’m so glad I chose this highly experienced surgeon, as I’m delighted with the pre & post operative care i’ve received from him & the entire clinical staff – all of whom presented at all times during my interactions with them as professional, courteous, knowledgable and empathetic individuals. The entire process went smoothly and perhaps most importantly there was no sale element that some clinics convey. I cannot recommend the New Birkdale clinic enough for their outstanding clinical care.

Amy Brown

Excellent care


Excellent care given by all I would definitely recommend this clinic.


Excellent care


Excellent care given by all I would definitely recommend this clinic.


Exceptional clinic


All the staff are wonderful they just can’t do enough for you nothing is to much for them from the minute you book your consultation to your surgery date and then the aftercare excellent care by all involved. Mr Degado is exceptional and I cannot praise him enough I would definitely recommend this clinic.


Exceptional clinic


All the staff are wonderful they just can’t do enough for you nothing is to much for them from the minute you book your consultation to your surgery date and then the aftercare excellent care by all involved. Mr Degado is exceptional and I cannot praise him enough I would definitely recommend this clinic.


Exceptional clinic


All the staff are wonderful they just can’t do enough for you nothing is to much for them from the minute you book your consultation to your surgery date and then the aftercare excellent care by all involved. Mr Degado is exceptional and I cannot praise him enough I would definitely recommend this clinic.


Exceptional clinic


All the staff are wonderful they just can’t do enough for you nothing is to much for them from the minute you book your consultation to your surgery date and then the aftercare excellent care by all involved. Mr Degado is exceptional and I cannot praise him enough I would definitely recommend this clinic.


Arvostele Hair Upload Clinic - Dr.Erkam CAYMAZ Turkey

Kaikki hiustenlähdöstä e-kirja

Ennen kuin voit todella sitoutua hiustensiirto-operaation, on tärkeää ymmärtää syyt hiustenlähdön takana. Olemme kirjoittaneet yhdessä IdealofMeD:in ammattilaisten kanssa e-kirjan, joka kertoo kaiken, mitä sinun tulee tietää hiustenlähdöstä. Voit ladata kirjan täysin ilmaiseksi sivuiltamme.


Usein kysytyt kysymykset

Klinikan sijainti on Turkki.

Voit saada tarjouksia klinikoilta meidän sivustomme kautta. Ota meihin yhteyttä ja pyydä tarjous.

Aidot klinikka-arvostelut löydät meidän sivuiltamme, johon kokoamme sekä luotettavista lähteistä saatuja käyttäjäkokemuksia, käyttäjiemme omia klinikka-kokemuksia että oman eksperttimme kirjoittamia arvosteluja.

Päivitetty 08/29/2023
Pyydä tarjous klinikalta jo tänään

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