Asiantuntijamme arvostelu on tulossa pian. Arvostele klinikka itse sillä välin, jos sinulla on henkilökohtaisia kokemuksia klinikasta.
I was suffering from sleep apnea and terrible acid reflux as well as a lot of pain in my lower limbs which made it difficult to exercise. Add to this a sedentary lifestyle with a desk job and the weight just keep piling on, the worse my sleep got, the more I relied on sugar for that energy kick through the day and cycle would just repeat. Faced with the fear of a heart attack before 50 and my children having to grow up without a dad I had to do something drastic.
I connected with a few different companies and chose Cosmetocity, (probably because they were the least pushy!).
I flew to Turkey on 1st May 2023 (I have left it a full year to write this review) and was greeted at the airport by Deniz (my contact) as well as Mert and Cihan. They took my bag and escorted me to a plush taxi to take me to the hotel. It was a public holiday on that day and so I was told to relax, enjoy some food (which felt ironic) and that I would be collected at 7:30 the following morning.
As I had travelled alone, I was assigned an assistant to stay with me which was Deniz, her role was to translate for me and ensure that everything was in order. The assistant is there to assist, I was told they have been confused with servants in the past!
In the morning I was met as promised and at the same time met a now good friend who was having the same surgery. We were put through a variety of tests including a psychic evaluation as this is not the sort of thing you should enter into lightly. After a full day of tests I went down for the operation.
When I woke, Deniz was there in the room to explain everything (even though it was the middle of the night) and to support me through my recovery. Obviously there is a reasonable amount of discomfort with any invasive surgery and having a friendly face is a real comfort.
After a few days in hospital we were taken into Antalya for a while and shown around before being returned to the hotel for the night then collected and driven to the airport the following day for my flight home.
The main things that I have found important about my experience were the personal touches, it is the little things that make the difference. An example of this is mentioning that I needed a drink as we were leaving the hotel, one of the team went to a nearby shop to get me some juice (we watered it down) and wouldn’t accept the money for it. Yes it’s a small thing but it makes the difference.
Everything is handled for you here, you tell them when you land/take off and they work out all of the timings for you, if you need anything it is but a call or message away, those are the things that make them stand out in my opinion.
I mentioned that is a year since my surgery but we are still in contact. I was 20st 10lb a year ago, and I am now 14st 5lb. I regularly run 5k (I try to do it 3x per week), my sleep is much improved, I feel energised and I am so much happier than I have been in years.
I can’s speak for other companies but I would urge you to talk to the team here if you are seriously considering this surgery.
I was suffering from sleep apnea and terrible acid reflux as well as a lot of pain in my lower limbs which made it difficult to exercise. Add to this a sedentary lifestyle with a desk job and the weight just keep piling on, the worse my sleep got, the more I relied on sugar for that energy kick through the day and cycle would just repeat. Faced with the fear of a heart attack before 50 and my children having to grow up without a dad I had to do something drastic.
I connected with a few different companies and chose Cosmetocity, (probably because they were the least pushy!).
I flew to Turkey on 1st May 2023 (I have left it a full year to write this review) and was greeted at the airport by Deniz (my contact) as well as Mert and Cihan. They took my bag and escorted me to a plush taxi to take me to the hotel. It was a public holiday on that day and so I was told to relax, enjoy some food (which felt ironic) and that I would be collected at 7:30 the following morning.
As I had travelled alone, I was assigned an assistant to stay with me which was Deniz, her role was to translate for me and ensure that everything was in order. The assistant is there to assist, I was told they have been confused with servants in the past!
In the morning I was met as promised and at the same time met a now good friend who was having the same surgery. We were put through a variety of tests including a psychic evaluation as this is not the sort of thing you should enter into lightly. After a full day of tests I went down for the operation.
When I woke, Deniz was there in the room to explain everything (even though it was the middle of the night) and to support me through my recovery. Obviously there is a reasonable amount of discomfort with any invasive surgery and having a friendly face is a real comfort.
After a few days in hospital we were taken into Antalya for a while and shown around before being returned to the hotel for the night then collected and driven to the airport the following day for my flight home.
The main things that I have found important about my experience were the personal touches, it is the little things that make the difference. An example of this is mentioning that I needed a drink as we were leaving the hotel, one of the team went to a nearby shop to get me some juice (we watered it down) and wouldn’t accept the money for it. Yes it’s a small thing but it makes the difference.
Everything is handled for you here, you tell them when you land/take off and they work out all of the timings for you, if you need anything it is but a call or message away, those are the things that make them stand out in my opinion.
I mentioned that is a year since my surgery but we are still in contact. I was 20st 10lb a year ago, and I am now 14st 5lb. I regularly run 5k (I try to do it 3x per week), my sleep is much improved, I feel energised and I am so much happier than I have been in years.
I can’s speak for other companies but I would urge you to talk to the team here if you are seriously considering this surgery.
I went to Antalya to get single incision sleeve, and had a really good experience. The team answered all my questions pre and post-op.
Cosmetocity was incredibly accommodating to all my requests and most importantly, I am so happy with my results!
Vau! Matkustin Isosta-Britanniasta itse Antalyaan mahalaukun leikkaukseen. Deniz ja Mert toivottivat minut tervetulleeksi lentokentälle. Kuljetus hotellilleni oli 5 tähden, vaikka kuljettaja sai minut tuntemaan oloni erityiseksi! Olin uskomattoman hermostunut ja Deniz pysyi kanssani koko oleskeluni ja leikkaukseni ajan. Vietin 3 yötä sairaalassa, eikä hän koskaan jättänyt viereltäni, hän oli uskomaton! Chian ja Mert tulivat myös luokseni, eikä mikään ollut liikaa vaivaa. Sairaala oli hämmästyttävä, niin puhdas ja koko henkilökunta selitti kaiken yksityiskohtaisesti. Deniz, Mert ja Chian osaavat myös kaiken yksityiskohtaisesti ja osaavat puhua todella hyvää englantia. Leikkaukseni meni hämmästyttävän hyvin ja tunsin itseni hyvin hoidetuksi. Viimeisenä päivänä meillä oli vähän vapaa-aikaa ja menimme ostoskeskukseen. Olin todella peloissani leikkauksesta ulkomaille, mutta se oli paras päätös, jonka olen koskaan tehnyt. Hotelli, jossa yöpyin myös ennen leikkausta, oli kaunis. En voi suositella tätä yritystä tarpeeksi, kiitos paljon! Pienistäkin asioista, kuten matkatavaroiden kantamisesta ja ovien avaamisesta minulle, minusta tuntuu, että olen saanut ystäviä koko elämäksi.
Näin hieno ammattiyritys ei pitänyt minusta huolta alusta loppuun, vaikka olinkin melko huolissani, koska olin tuonut mukanani nuoret tyttäreni, mutta he olivat yhtä tervetulleita ja niistä huolehdittiin kuin minäkin. , Minun on sanottava Denise ja hänen 2 mieskollegansa chian ja mert (pomot), jotka saivat minut tuntemaan oloni niin mukavaksi, että en voi suositella heitä tarpeeksi. Palaan ensi vuonna hammasimplantiin, en vain voinut kuvitella menen toisen yrityksen kanssa, koska en usko löytäväni ammattimaisempaa mutta rentoa yritystä, tunsin itseni enemmän ystäväksi kuin asiakkaaksi, joten jos etsit stressitöntä kaikkea hoidettua yritystä, uskon, että et löydä parempaa kaikki hoidettiin lentokenttäkuljetuksesta hotelli lääkitys kaikki siirrot ruoka juomat jopa lastenvahti se kaikki hoidettiin pois.
No mistä aloitan hämmästyttävän fantastisen yrityksen. Kaikki ovat hermostuneita menossa leikkaukseen, mutta älä ole tämän yrityksen kanssa. Deniz on ehdoton timantti ja tullut osa perhettämme.
I booked in for a facelift upper and lower eyelid surgery and possibly a brow lift. The surgeon said a temporal lift was preferable so added £1000 to my already £5000 quote. The bank transfer didn’t go through before the surgery so after the surgery I was hassled to pay with a card machine and asked for another £200 for the pleasure, being quite stunned after the surgery I paid the £6000 and went back to the hotel. On the fourth day after surgery I noticed that there were no scars visible under my eyes and they were really swollen. I told the owner Cihan that the surgeon has not done my under eye area. He came back two days later with a story about the surgeon having done the under eye via the temple?? This is no such operation even on their face book page it states that the under eye surgery has stitches under the eye area or the lower lid area . There were no such stitches. Also when I lift hospital I asked if I should put the cream they gave me under the eye and they said no knowing full well there was no surgery there. Four months later the bags under my eyes are much worse than they were before and my e mails to complain have been ignored . I’ve also spoken to another surgeon in London who told me nothing was done under my eyes even though I was charged for it !!
Kävin Antalyassa rintojen suurennuksissa ja hampaideni kruunuissa, valitsin Cosmetocityn kanssa ja olen erittäin iloinen, että tein, vietin perheeni kahden viikon lomalle toimenpiteideni aikana ja En olisi voinut toivoa parempia koordinaattoreita huolehtimaan sekä minusta että perheestäni, haluaisin mainita Cihanin , mert ja deniz ja minun
Olin sairaalloisen lihava ja laihduin 79 kiloa hieman yli vuodessa. Olin ylpeä nopeasta painonpudotuksestani, mutta en voinut aloittaa normaalia elämää, koska kehossani oli paljon ylimääräistä ihoa. Iho ja roikkuvat tyhjät rinnani jättivät minut epävarmaksi, itsetietoiseksi ja kyvyttömäksi nauttimaan elämästäni.
Se oli fantastinen kokemus. Järjestäjät olivat erittäin ystävällisiä ja hoitohenkilökunta loistavaa. Suosittelen vakavasti.
Olen Richard Manchesterista, 52 kyllä, menin Antalyaan Turkkiin silmänympärysihoon, valitsen Cosetocityn tietämättä paljoakaan yrityksestä.
Ennen kuin voit todella sitoutua hiustensiirto-operaation, on tärkeää ymmärtää syyt hiustenlähdön takana. Olemme kirjoittaneet yhdessä IdealofMeD:in ammattilaisten kanssa e-kirjan, joka kertoo kaiken, mitä sinun tulee tietää hiustenlähdöstä. Voit ladata kirjan täysin ilmaiseksi sivuiltamme.
Voit saada tarjouksia klinikoilta meidän sivustomme kautta. Ota meihin yhteyttä ja pyydä tarjous.
Aidot klinikka-arvostelut löydät meidän sivuiltamme, johon kokoamme sekä luotettavista lähteistä saatuja käyttäjäkokemuksia, käyttäjiemme omia klinikka-kokemuksia että oman eksperttimme kirjoittamia arvosteluja.
Saa meidän ilmainen e-kirjamme ja kuukausittainen uutiskirjeemme, josta löydät vinkkejä ja inspiroivia kokemuksia.