Asiakkaamme arvostelevat meidät 9.2 / 10

VatanMed Hairtransplant -arvostelu

Klinikan pisteet

Täältä löydät kaikki klinikan arvostelut, jotka on kerätty luotettavista lähteistä klinikan aiemmilta potilailta. Voit myös jättää oman henkilökohtaisen arvostelusi klinikasta. Asiantuntijamme arvostelu on tulossa pian. 

Asiantuntijan VatanMed Hairtransplant -arvostelu

Asiantuntijamme arvostelu on tulossa pian. Arvostele klinikka itse sillä välin, jos sinulla on henkilökohtaisia kokemuksia klinikasta.

Top 3 klinikat helmikuu, 2025


  • #1 Klinikka Turkissa (4,60 / 5,00)


  • #2 Klinikka Turkissa (4,20 / 5,00)


  • #3 Klinikka Turkissa (4,00 / 5,00)

VatanMed Hairtransplant Turkey tiedot


Pyydä räätälöity tarjous klinikalta

Kaikki VatanMed Hairtransplant -arvostelut

4,8 out of 5 stars (based on 64 reviews)
Very good0%

Bad service


Bad service. Bad hair transplant.

I would not recommend.


unserious clinic


I had a hair transplant done by them in Bosnia. Everything went fine, but their staff is very unserious. I wrote with them that I should order mesotherapy. They wrote I should write 1 or 2 days before. I wrote to them that my uncle is coming on Wednesday the 4th of September if it could be ready on the 5th of September. I wrote 5 days before, then they write to me that it will not arrive until Friday 6 September in the morning and that it will be available for collection in the afternoon. But it never came and then they promised they would send it by post. But it was still delayed a few days

Osman Bajric

I decided to get a hair transplant at…


I decided to get a hair transplant at the insistence of my friends. After extensive research and consultations with many clinics, I chose to have it done at Vatanmed because of their attention and experience. The results after 4 months are even better than I expected. Thank you for everything.

Dimitri Petrov

The main difference with other clinics…


The main difference with other clinics is definitely their level of attention. I’m so glad I chose Vatanmed because they were with me throughout the process.

Aleksandr Smirnov

After extensive research


After extensive research, I found Vatanmed. I thank Kayhan Bey for all his assistance. I am very satisfied with the results.

Christopher Baker

The clinic stands out with its…


The clinic stands out with its knowledge and attention to detail in hair transplantation. I was surprised by the comfort I felt during the procedure. The results are perfect, I recommend it to everyone.

Daniel Parker

Thanks to the meticulous and…


Thanks to the meticulous and professional service of the clinic team, everything went smoothly. Now, I am proud of my hair. Thank you

Nejmettin Asan

Vatanmed impressed me with its…


Vatanmed impressed me with its expertise in hair transplantation. The results are beyond my expectations, my hair looks natural and healthy

Giorgos Papadopoulos

My hair transplant process was very…


My hair transplant process was very easy thanks to the professionalism and attention of the clinic team. The results are fantastic, my self-confidence has soared. Thank you

Henriksson Eriksson

Go for it without hesitation and get a…


Go for it without hesitation and get a pre-examination!!

Jorge Ramirez

The clinic team reassured me with their…


The clinic team reassured me with their professional approach during my hair transplant process. Now I am experiencing the joy of having my hair back. Thank you

Hannah Cook

I am absolutely thrilled with the…


I am absolutely thrilled with the results of my hair transplant. I was surprised by the comfort I felt during the procedure. The results are excellent.

Samuel Brooks

Arvostele VatanMed Hairtransplant Turkey

Kaikki hiustenlähdöstä e-kirja

Ennen kuin voit todella sitoutua hiustensiirto-operaation, on tärkeää ymmärtää syyt hiustenlähdön takana. Olemme kirjoittaneet yhdessä IdealofMeD:in ammattilaisten kanssa e-kirjan, joka kertoo kaiken, mitä sinun tulee tietää hiustenlähdöstä. Voit ladata kirjan täysin ilmaiseksi sivuiltamme.


Usein kysytyt kysymykset

Klinikan sijainti on Turkki Istanbul.

Voit saada tarjouksia klinikoilta meidän sivustomme kautta. Ota meihin yhteyttä ja pyydä tarjous.

Aidot klinikka-arvostelut löydät meidän sivuiltamme, johon kokoamme sekä luotettavista lähteistä saatuja käyttäjäkokemuksia, käyttäjiemme omia klinikka-kokemuksia että oman eksperttimme kirjoittamia arvosteluja.

Päivitetty 08/29/2023
Pyydä tarjous klinikalta jo tänään

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