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The D'Souza Clinic -arvostelu

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Asiantuntijan The D'Souza Clinic -arvostelu

Asiantuntijamme arvostelu on tulossa pian. Arvostele klinikka itse sillä välin, jos sinulla on henkilökohtaisia kokemuksia klinikasta.

Top 3 klinikat tammikuu, 2025


  • #1 Klinikka Turkissa (4,60 / 5,00)


  • #2 Klinikka Turkissa (4,20 / 5,00)


  • #3 Klinikka Turkissa (4,00 / 5,00)

The D'Souza Clinic United Kingdom tiedot


Pyydä räätälöity tarjous klinikalta

Kaikki The D'Souza Clinic -arvostelut

4,9 out of 5 stars (based on 68 reviews)
Very good0%

Exceptional in every way


A truly outstanding experience from beginning to end. The ability to directly meet with Dr D’Souza from the first consultation was a game changer, as was the offer of long haired FUE. I felt I was in the most experienced and expert hands with Chris and his team and thought the entire experience was faultless.


Never too old....


I wasn’t particularly bothered about hair loss.

I never used any products or took any medication.

In fact I wasn’t particularly kind to my hair over the years. To be honest, I have even cut my own hair for the past 15 years and I remember the last time I did venture out to a hairdresser, he asked (with a frown upon his face) ”Who cut your hair last time”. I thought quickly and replied, ”My Mum”.

”Oh, very nice job” he said.

Haha, nobody wants to insult somebody’s mum.

So, I reached the age of 65 and I thought I must have saved a fortune over the years cutting my own hair. Maybe I should offset my savings against the cost of a hair transplant.

I ended up having a consultation with Mr D’Souza at the D’Souza Clinic London.

My hair had been thinning for years and it was now time to either shave it all off and commit to being bald or have a transplant.

I am so happy that I decided to go ahead with the transplant option. It has made such a difference to my appearance. I now have a hairline. I haven’t had a hairline in years.

Please don’t think that hair transplant surgery is only for young men. In fact the transformation in older men is even more stark. I would go as far to say that I suspect, a young man has a hair transplant to look more normal. Whereas an old man has a hair transplant and looks like a young man.

It is like magic. The Simply Red sound track ”Rolling back the years” keep playing in my head.

Of course, who do I have to thank for this. Mr D’Souza and his team. They were absolutely fantastic.

Kind, attentive, gentle, warm, and forgiving.

I am so happy I went ahead with my transplant and even more happy that I chose the D’Souza Clinic.

Don’t take a chance. When it comes to something as important as surgical treatment. Chose the best you can find. It is an investment at the end of the day and worth every penny.

I might even start using hair care products now and yes, make an appointment at the hairdresser.

Thanks to Chris and the team.

Leigh Tierney

Getting my hair sorted had been on my…


Getting my hair sorted had been on my mind for several years. I had tried everything ; using various different trichologist and vast expense over the last ten years.

Mr D’Souza was recommended to me by a friend, I did a bit of research online and then met him in person at his clinic on Upper Wimpole Street. He was very straightforward; explained how it works, what I should expect and what the cost would be.

I am only on day 7 today post surgery but just wanted to write (I hardly ever write reviews) to say that he provided a truly excellent service. The day itself went seamlessly, I was made to feel very welcome and looked after by all his team, they ordered me a delicious lunch and also had my favourite sports channel on a huge plasma tv right in front of me for eight hours while he was fixing my hair.

After the procedure I was a bit worried about something on day 3, and rather than suggest chatting over email or a phone call, he found time for me at the end of his day, after his normal working hours, and gave my donor site and recipient site a close look using his microscope, and confirmed to me that everything was progressing as it should.

I really feel like he cares as well as being a master of his craft and would throughly recommend anyone considering FUE (which I had) or FUT hair transplant surgery to use him – he has been superb.


Chris and his team are brilliant


Chris and his team are brilliant. The operation went seamlessly and was bizarrely enjoyable. The team were very pleasant and made the time go by really quickly. The results after 12 months are very natural looking and considering the large area to cover the results are also very pleasing. Chris is a very kind and friendly and unassuming person and he and his team did everything they could to make my operation success. The after care was and continues to be amazing.Thank you for a great outcome. Highly recommended.


Chris and his team are brilliant


Chris and his team are brilliant. The operation went seamlessly and was bizarrely enjoyable. The team were very pleasant and made the time go by really quickly. The results after 12 months are very natural looking and considering the large area to cover the results are also very pleasing. Chris is a very kind and friendly and unassuming person and he and his team did everything they could to make my operation success. The after care was and continues to be amazing.Thank you for a great outcome. Highly recommended.


Rahan hukkaan kahteen eri…


Rahan hukkaan kahteen eri hoitoon ilman tuloksia!! Erittäin pettynyt, endolift oli niin lupaava ja kallis, ja oli erittäin pettynyt. Myöskään kuvalaser ei auttanut malasmaan ollenkaan.

Lue alkuperäinen

Jessie P

Tuhat tähteä tälle mahtavalle…


Tuhat tähteä tälle suurelle lääkärille.

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Gabriele Fargion



Neuvottelun aikana Chris selitti kaiken selkeästi ja antoi realistiset odotukset. Ei ole myyntipuhetta, Chris huolehtii aidosti sinun eduistasi.

Lue alkuperäinen

Michael P. London

Laadukasta hoitoa, tehokasta ja ammattimaisesti johdettua.


Erinomainen ja ammattitaitoinen palvelu tohtori D’Souzalta ja hänen lääketieteelliseltä tiimiltään. Ensimmäisessä konsultaatiossa herra D'Souza oli erittäin vakuuttava ja informatiivinen, ja leikkauspäivä oli tehokas ja erittäin ammattimaisesti hoidettu. Herra D'Souza ja tiimi pitivät minusta hyvin huolta ja vastasivat kaikkiin kysymyksiini ystävällisesti ja kohteliaasti. Todella erinomaista palvelua kaikin puolin.

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Minulla oli valitettavasti erittäin huono...


Minulla oli valitettavasti erittäin huono kokemus nenäleikkauksesta tämän kirurgin kanssa ja vaadin korjausleikkausta muualla, koska hän ei ottanut vastuuta heikosta tuloksesta, joka minulla oli selvästi. Kaiken kaikkiaan erittäin pettymys

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Amy Johnson

Merkittävä tulos


Chris on persoonallinen ja erittäin taitava kirurgi. Jätän hänen hoidonsa sekä iloisena että valtavan kiitollisena hänen vertaansa vailla olevasta työstään.

Lue alkuperäinen


Paras paikka hiustensiirtoon Lontoossa


Minulla oli paras kokemus tohtori Chrisin ja hänen tiiminsä kanssa. Toimenpide ei ollut vain kivuton ja helppo, vaan tulokset ovat erittäin luonnolliset. Jälkihoito on ytimekäs ja helppo seurata. Olen sittemmin suositellut monia ihmisiä tälle klinikalle.

Lue alkuperäinen

David Jack

Arvostele The D'Souza Clinic United Kingdom

Kaikki hiustenlähdöstä e-kirja

Ennen kuin voit todella sitoutua hiustensiirto-operaation, on tärkeää ymmärtää syyt hiustenlähdön takana. Olemme kirjoittaneet yhdessä IdealofMeD:in ammattilaisten kanssa e-kirjan, joka kertoo kaiken, mitä sinun tulee tietää hiustenlähdöstä. Voit ladata kirjan täysin ilmaiseksi sivuiltamme.


Usein kysytyt kysymykset

Klinikan sijainti on Iso-Britannia West End – LONDON.

Voit saada tarjouksia klinikoilta meidän sivustomme kautta. Ota meihin yhteyttä ja pyydä tarjous.

Aidot klinikka-arvostelut löydät meidän sivuiltamme, johon kokoamme sekä luotettavista lähteistä saatuja käyttäjäkokemuksia, käyttäjiemme omia klinikka-kokemuksia että oman eksperttimme kirjoittamia arvosteluja.

Päivitetty 08/29/2023
Pyydä tarjous klinikalta jo tänään

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