Asiantuntijamme arvostelu on tulossa pian. Arvostele klinikka itse sillä välin, jos sinulla on henkilökohtaisia kokemuksia klinikasta.
Happy with my choice so far , Angela helped me with the process. The team at Dr Vivo are true professionals and I will definitely recommend them to everyone.
I had hair and beard transplant, all looks good now. Can’t wait to see the final outcome!
Dr. Vivo Hair Clinic was a fantastic choice for my hair transplant. The team was professional and kind, making sure I understood every step. The results have been phenomenal, and I couldn’t be happier!
I am thrilled with the results of my female hair transplant at Dr. Vivo Hair Clinic. The staff was incredibly supportive and attentive, ensuring I was comfortable throughout the process. Highly recommended for anyone looking to regain their confidence!
I went through Flymedi and they recommended Dr Vivos Hair Clinic. They claimed Dr Mert would be doing my procedure but this was a lie, Dr Mert took no part in my procedure other than shaking my hand. The procedure was undertaken by technicians and when I asked the names of these people as I was going to reference them in my review, Dr Mert told the translator “we’ll talk about that later”. I never heard back from the clinic.
I have issues with asymmetry and when I raised this with the clinic they claimed it was merely swelling however months later it’s clear that my hairline was drawn on at different heights on each side. Flymedi had acknowledged this however they have now stopped responding to all my communication.
I should have run a mile when I was told I needed to pay cash on the day however the social media presence reassured me that this clinic was legit. Since seeing how the clinic ran from the inside, I strongly suspect their social media accounts are fake. Please avoid this clinic.
I went through Flymedi and they recommended Dr Vivos Hair Clinic. They claimed Dr Mert would be doing my procedure but this was a lie, Dr Mert took no part in my procedure other than shaking my hand. The procedure was undertaken by technicians and when I asked the names of these people as I was going to reference them in my review, Dr Mert told the translator “we’ll talk about that later”. I never heard back from the clinic.
I have issues with asymmetry and when I raised this with the clinic they claimed it was merely swelling however months later it’s clear that my hairline was drawn on at different heights on each side. Flymedi had acknowledged this however they have now stopped responding to all my communication.
I should have run a mile when I was told I needed to pay cash on the day however the social media presence reassured me that this clinic was legit. Since seeing how the clinic ran from the inside, I strongly suspect their social media accounts are fake. Please avoid this clinic.
AVOID at all costs – Demanded cash with no receipt, it is essentially a black market clinic, do not fall for the fake marketing – I received a hair transplant on October 27th by this clinic, by January I was left no choice but to have 80% of it surgically removed – 4-5 hairs in each slit, looked like dolls hair and all of the hairs facing in different direction, my UK surgeon who had to correct said it was the worst attempt of a hair transplant he had ever seen. The before and after photos on their website, from what I can tell some or possibly all of them are taken from other websites. I have reached out to the clinic merely asking for an apology with no response at all, pretty shocking.
AVOID at all costs – Demanded cash with no receipt, it is essentially a black market clinic, do not fall for the fake marketing – I received a hair transplant on October 27th by this clinic, by January I was left no choice but to have 80% of it surgically removed – 4-5 hairs in each slit, looked like dolls hair and all of the hairs facing in different direction, my UK surgeon who had to correct said it was the worst attempt of a hair transplant he had ever seen. The before and after photos on their website, from what I can tell some or possibly all of them are taken from other websites. I have reached out to the clinic merely asking for an apology with no response at all, pretty shocking.
Auttavaisia ihmisiä, kaikki oli hienoa mieheni hiustensiirrossa. Klinikka siisti ja siisti. Olemme tyytyväisiä tuloksiin. Suosittelen klinikkaa kaikille
Mieheni hiukset siirrettiin tohtori Vivon kanssa, ja olen niin iloinen, että valitsimme heidät toimenpidettä varten. Koko homma hoitui erittäin ammattimaisesti ja tulokset näyttävät hyvältä jo muutaman viikon kuluttuakin.
Niin välittävä tiimi. He huolehtivat kaikesta, mitä pyysimme.
Se oli uskomatonta tiimityötä! Arvostan kaikkea heidän työtään. Tunnet olosi niin mukavaksi ja turvalliseksi alusta alkaen. Heidän positiivinen energiansa ja VIP-palvelunsa on iso plussa! Erittäin suositeltavaa.
Kaikki oli täydellistä. Kiitos parhaasta lääketieteellisestä kokemuksesta 🙂
Ennen kuin voit todella sitoutua hiustensiirto-operaation, on tärkeää ymmärtää syyt hiustenlähdön takana. Olemme kirjoittaneet yhdessä IdealofMeD:in ammattilaisten kanssa e-kirjan, joka kertoo kaiken, mitä sinun tulee tietää hiustenlähdöstä. Voit ladata kirjan täysin ilmaiseksi sivuiltamme.
Voit saada tarjouksia klinikoilta meidän sivustomme kautta. Ota meihin yhteyttä ja pyydä tarjous.
Aidot klinikka-arvostelut löydät meidän sivuiltamme, johon kokoamme sekä luotettavista lähteistä saatuja käyttäjäkokemuksia, käyttäjiemme omia klinikka-kokemuksia että oman eksperttimme kirjoittamia arvosteluja.
Saa meidän ilmainen e-kirjamme ja kuukausittainen uutiskirjeemme, josta löydät vinkkejä ja inspiroivia kokemuksia.